income tax bracket

英 [ˈɪnkʌm tæks ˈbrækɪt] 美 [ˈɪnkʌm tæks ˈbrækɪt]

n.  所得税等级


  1. Loans to smallholder farmers will be waived, more people will fall out of the income tax bracket and there will be lower duties on a range of goods.
  2. If Mr Brown cut taxes on the? 20,000 to? 30,000 income bracket, he would encourage more work from everyone in that group, but lose tax revenue from everyone above that income bracket.
  3. If you raise taxes for the low-income bracket-as Gordon Brown did by abolishing the 10p rate of income tax-then you discourage overtime for people in that bracket.
  4. Bracket creep: a shift of personal income into a higher tax bracket when the taxable income increases over time.



  1. a category of taxpayers based on the amount of their income

      Synonym:    income brackettax bracket